The painting has a life of its own. I try to let it come through.
/Jackson Pollock/
April 30, 2014
Kenneth Hare: The puritan...
The puritan through life's sweet garden goes to pluck the thorn and cast away the rose.
/Kenneth Hare/
/Kenneth Hare/
April 29, 2014
David Thomas: If there...
If there are things you don't like in the world you grew up in, make your own life different.
/David Thomas/
/David Thomas/
John Barth: Everyone is...
Everyone is necessarily the hero of his own life story.
/John Barth/
/John Barth/
Blaise Pascal: Between us...
Between us and heaven or hell there is only life, which is the frailest thing in the world.
/Blaise Pascal/
/Blaise Pascal/
April 25, 2014
Muhammad Iqbal: Rise above...
Rise above sectional interests and private ambitions... Pass from matter to spirit. Matter is diversity; spirit is light, life and unity.
/Muhammad Iqbal/
/Muhammad Iqbal/
April 24, 2014
P. J. O'Rourke: A hat...
A hat should be taken off when you greet a lady and left off for the rest of your life. Nothing looks more stupid than a hat.
/P. J. O'Rourke/
/P. J. O'Rourke/
April 23, 2014
Jay Leno: Bush reiterated...
Bush reiterated his stand to conservatives opposing his decision on stem cell research. He said today he believes life begins at conception and ends at execution.
/Jay Leno/
/Jay Leno/
Lin Yutang: I like...
I like spring, but it is too young. I like summer, but it is too proud. So I like best of all autumn, because its tone is mellower, its colours are richer, and it is tinged with a little sorrow. Its golden richness speaks not of the innocence of spring, nor the power of summer, but of the mellowness and kindly wisdom of approaching age. It knows the limitations of life and its content.
/Lin Yutang/
/Lin Yutang/
April 22, 2014
Scott Ian: Music and...
Music and songs are written at different periods of time, at different times in your life. They reflect the feelings you have and to be honest, I quite like having positive emotions.
/Scott Ian/
/Scott Ian/
April 21, 2014
David Hume: On the...
On the theory of the soul's mortality, the inferiority of women's capacity is easily accounted for: Their domestic life requires no higher faculties either of mind or body. This circumstance vanishes and becomes absolutely insignificant, on the religious theory: The one sex has an equal task to perform as the other: Their powers of reason and resolution ought also to have been equal, and both of them infinitely greater than at present.
/David Hume/
/David Hume/
April 20, 2014
Thomas Jefferson: I never...
I never did, or countenanced, in public life, a single act inconsistent with the strictest good faith; having never believed there was one code of morality for a public, and another for a private man.
/Thomas Jefferson/
/Thomas Jefferson/
April 18, 2014
Walt Disney: I always...
I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter.
/Walt Disney/
/Walt Disney/
April 17, 2014
Anna Quindlen: There is...
There is only room in the lifeboat of your life for one, and you always choose yourself, and turn your parents into whatever it takes to keep you afloat.
/Anna Quindlen/
/Anna Quindlen/
April 15, 2014
Fred Savage: I would...
I would suggest maintaining a life and a career outside the Industry. This is a fickle business and a lousy one to make a steady living in, so it's important to have a good family, friends, job and education to fall back on.
/Fred Savage/
/Fred Savage/
April 14, 2014
Oprah Winfrey: The big...
The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you're willing to work.
/Oprah Winfrey/
/Oprah Winfrey/
Dag Hammarskjöld: There is...
There is a point at which everything becomes simple and there is no longer any question of choice, because all you have staked will be lost if you look back. Life's point of no return.
/Dag Hammarskjöld/
/Dag Hammarskjöld/
Janos Kadar: I ask...
I ask every Communist individually to set an example, by deeds and without pretense, a real example worthy of a man and a Communist, in restoring order, starting normal life, in resuming work and production, and in laying the foundations of an ordered life.
/Janos Kadar/
/Janos Kadar/
April 13, 2014
Taylor Caldwell: Learning should...
Learning should be a joy and full of excitement. It is life's greatest adventure; it is an illustrated excursion into the minds of the noble and the learned.
/Taylor Caldwell/
/Taylor Caldwell/
April 09, 2014
Lev Tolstoy: Art is...
Art is not a pleasure, a solace, or an amusement; art is great matter. Art is an organ of human life, transmitting man's reasonable perception into feeling. In our age the common religious perception of men is the consciousness of the brotherhood of man-we know that the well-being of man lies in the union with his fellow men. True science should indicate the various methods of applying this consciousness to life. Art should transform this perception into feeling.The task of art is enormous. Through the influence of real art, aided by science, guided by religion, that peaceful co-operation of man is now obtained by external means-by law courts, police, charitable institutions, factory inspection, etc.-should be obtained by man's free and joyous activity. Art should cause violence to be set aside. And it is only art that can accomplish this.
/Lev Tolstoy/
/Lev Tolstoy/
Frederic William Farrar: But in...
But in the life of every man there are influences of a far more real and penetrating character than those which come through the medium of schools or teachers.
/Frederic William Farrar/
/Frederic William Farrar/
April 08, 2014
Charlton Heston: You can...
You can spend a lifetime, and, if you're honest with yourself, never once was your work perfect.
/Charlton Heston/
/Charlton Heston/
April 06, 2014
George Eliot: The golden...
The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us and we see nothing but sand; the angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone.
/George Eliot/
/George Eliot/
Francis Bacon: Choose the...
Choose the life that is most useful, and habit will make it the most agreeable.
/Francis Bacon/
/Francis Bacon/
J. Andrew Helt: When life...
When life gives you lemons, please, just don't squirt them in other people's eyes.
/J. Andrew Helt/
/J. Andrew Helt/
April 02, 2014
Bertrand Russell: To fear...
To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead.
/Bertrand Russell/
/Bertrand Russell/
George Washington Carver: How far...
How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these.
/George Washington Carver/
/George Washington Carver/
April 01, 2014
James F. Byrnes: Too many...
Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem more afraid of life than death.
/James F. Byrnes/
/James F. Byrnes/
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